Natural Blend Container Wax


This is an all natural blend wax which comprises of beeswax, coconut wax, and soy wax meant for container candles. The natural wax has a high fragrance load and good adherence to surfaces, hence it is one of the preferred choices for making candles in jar and container. The natural blend blends well with colorants and dyes which allows end users to create create their very own customized candles. Does not contain paraffin or palm.

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– Pour Temp: 140-160°
– Melt Point: 110°
– Fragrance Oil Load: 10%

Ideal Uses:
-Single pour
-Pre-Blended, no additives required
-Good jar adhesion
-Will not slump at temps up to 100 degrees F
-Accepts dye and colorants well
-Bloom resistant
-No jar pre-heating required